Green Card Başvurusunda Pasaport Şartının Kaldırılması
Green Card Başvurusunda Pasaport Şartının Kaldırılması hakkında bazı söylentiler dönüyor .
Ray Erden Reşat abi , bir link buldum ama tam konuyu anlayamadım bu konunun uzmanı sensin , acil yardım abi
Selamlar Ertugrul, Linkte verilen belgeyi okudum tamamen mahkeme tutanaklarindan alinmis bastan sona hukuk dili. Asagida onemli DV vize muracaati yapanlari ilgilendiren kismi kendi tercume ve yorumumla ekliyorum aradaki sayfa ve paragraflar burda kullanilan kanun maddeleri uzerindeki hukuku tartisma ve gorusmeler.
B. The Passport Rule (Pasaport kurali) The Secretary of State may issue regulations governing the information that lottery registrants must provide to the State Department. 8 U.S.C. § 1154(a)(1)(I)(iii). On June 5, 2019, the State Department promulgated the Passport Rule, which requires that individuals who seek to participate in the lottery possess a valid passport when they register. 84 Fed. Reg. at 25,989; see also 22 C.F.R. § 42.33(b)(viii). Before enactment of the rule, a lottery participant had to obtain a passport only if she was selected—i.e., if she won the lottery—and then sought to apply for a diversity
Bu kanuna gore haziran 5, 2019 oncesi DV vize basvurusu yapan kisinin pasaport sahibi olmasi gerekmiyordu, anck kazandigi takdirde isteniyordu, fakat bu kanuna gore DV vize basvurusu icin bu kanun onerilmis. visa. See 84 Fed. Reg. at 25,989; 22 C.F.R. § 42.64(b). Now, the Passport Rule requires a participant to obtain a passport at an earlier point in the process, before the participant knows whether she can apply for a diversity visa. 84 Fed. Reg. at 25,989; see also 22 C.F.R. § 42.33(b)(viii). According to the State Department, the rule will help prevent fraud. See 84 Fed. Reg. at 25,990. The State Department promulgated the Passport Rule as an interim final rule, and so it became effective upon publication. See 84 Fed. Reg. at 25,989. Although the State Department informed the public that it would accept comments on the rule for 30 days, it invoked the foreign affairs function exception of the Administrative Procedure Act (“APA”), 5 U.S.C. § 553(a)(1), and dispensed with the standard notice-and-comment procedures, see 84 Fed. Reg. at 25,990.
The Instant Case Plaintiffs are four individuals. Plaintiffs E.B. and K.K. live in Africa. See ECF Nos. 39 ¶ 1 & 38-2 ¶ 1. They both applied to the Diversity Visa Program multiple times before Defendants promulgated the Passport Rule. See ECF No. 39 ¶ 8; ECF No. 38-2 ¶ 6. But neither can commit to the costs of obtaining a passport only to enter a lottery. See ECF No. 39 ¶ 17; ECF No. 38-2 ¶ 15. Their siblings, Plaintiffs W.B. and A.K., live in the United States and hope that the Diversity Bu kanuna karsi Afrikadan basvuran dort kisi dava acmis
Conclusion (Sonuc/Karar) For all these reasons, the Court will deny Defendants’ motion to dismiss, grant Plaintiffs’ motion for summary judgment, and vacate the Passport Rule. A separate order will issue Mahkeme davayi acan Afrikalilar lehine karar verdi ve pasaport kurali gecersiz ilan edildi, bu karari tkiben baska bir order daha ilan edilecek .
Yorum: Davalinin lehine karar verilmesindeki en onemli faktor su, Secretary of State pasaport kurlini koyan yani ic isleri bakanligi, ancak burda onceden bir haber verme ve bildirme adi altinda gecen bir madde uzerine dava gelisiyor ve davali kazaniyor kanundaki teknik ayrintilarin lehine isletilmesiyle.
Yani sonuc itibariyle pasaport kurali bu karardan onceki gibi yani ancak cekilisi kazananlar icin gecerli olacak cekilise girmek isteyenler icin gecerli degil. Ancak tekrar bir gorusulme olayi var ve bu konuda bir tarih bildirilmemis.
Ertugrul EvliyaogluErtugrul Evliyaoglu başlığına tarihinde cevap verdi Son düzenleyen:
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